On 23 Aug 2005, at 17:04 , Michael Painter wrote:
US is trailing other industrial countries in broadband penetration I'm not sure that's the case, AFAIK the US holds its own.
Graph at the bottom of the article.
And what does every country ahead of the US have in common? Tiny populations. And waht does every country but one have in common? Very small area. The US has states taht are larger than 10 of the 11 countries ahed of use, COMBINED. COuld it be better? Yep, sure could. But keep in mind the Cable/ Satellite penetration rate is only about 80%, and that's been around 30 years. The other thing that is not on that chart is the SPEED of the broadband. On that score, South Korea has thoroughly kicked our behinds. -- Lewis Butler, Owner Covisp.net 240 S Broadway #203, 80209 mobile: 303.564.2512 fx: 303.282.1515 AIM/ichat: covisp xdi: http://public.xdi.org/=lewisbutler