No real worry from these folks. From there web page: Formal announcement from Domains on Disc. Tuesday, September 22nd, 1998 4:10PM PDT Due to the overwhelming amount of e-mail that we have received, Domains on Disc has decided to indefinitely suspend the sale of this product. It has never been our intention to have this product used as source for Unsolicited Commercial E-mail Apparently our decision to discontinue this product has not satisfied a few internet users who are currently sending out spam with our domains/e-mail addresses forged in the headers. To this date, no CD's have been pressed or shipped. We regret any inconvenience that this may have caused you. Please feel free to contact us, should you have any questions. Sincerely, Domains on Disc Reid Fishler At 11:48 AM 9/23/98 -0400, Andrea Di Lecce wrote:
Looks like someone has catalogued all admin/billing/technical contacts and put them on a CD..... and is selling them. Could someone from the domains mentioned below take action against this fool ?
The spam originated from a UUNet dialup account. 1Cust100.tnt2.sdg1.da.uu.net [] on Tue, 22 Sep 1998 21:16:21 -0700 (PDT).
The web site is hosted by netaxs.net:
Tracing the route to
1 24 msec 32 msec 24 msec 2 pennsauken.netaxs.com ( 152 msec 28 msec * 3 pennsauken-gw.mfs-phl.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 72 msec * 68 msec 4 brain.phl-core.fe0-0-100M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 68 msec 40 msec 40 msec 5 phl-blt.balt-core.h0-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 32 msec 44 msec 36 msec 6 blt-dc.dc-core.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 36 msec 36 msec 40 msec 7 dn-netaxs-gw.dc-core.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 48 msec 48 msec 40 msec 8 [AS 7019] 48 msec 48 msec 44 msec 9 * * [AS 7019] 80 msec
Here's his domain information:
Registrant: Techno Trade Online Solutions (DOMAINSONDISC-DOM) 4735 Clairemont Dr. #370 San Diego, CA 92117 US
Administrative Contact: Afifi, Sammy (SA5136) sales@DOMAINSONDISC.COM 619-274-2936 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: dnsadmin (DNS37-ORG) dnsadmin@DN.NET tel.: 703-642-2800 Fax- .: 703-642-3747 Billing Contact: Afifi, Sammy (SA5136) sales@DOMAINSONDISC.COM 619-274-2936
Record last updated on 04-Aug-98. Record created on 04-Aug-98. Database last updated on 23-Sep-98 04:50:10 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:
And here's his lovely spam. It was sent to my admin account, which rarely hits the public 'net. He must be marketing this CD to the contacts themselves !
Received: from bbcgate.bbc.co.uk by sunf0.rd.bbc.co.uk; Wed, 23 Sep 98 05:17:27 BST Received: from goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net (goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net []) by bbcgate.bbc.co.uk (8.8.5/8.7.2) with ESMTP id FAA29405 for <brandon@rd.bbc.co.uk>; Wed, 23 Sep 1998 05:17:25 +0100 (BST) From: sammy@technotrade.com Received: from mail.earthlink.net (1Cust100.tnt2.sdg1.da.uu.net []) by goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net (8.8.7/8.8.5) with SMTP id VAA12849; Tue, 22 Sep 1998 21:16:21 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <199809230416.VAA12849@goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net> To: massmail_to_admins@technotrade.com Date: Wed, 23 Sep 98 21:13:51 EST Subject: InterNIC Email Addresses CD: $249
Every email address of every domain admin/tech/billing contact on the internet!
Only $249:
http://domainsondisk.com or http://domainsondisc.com
Domains On Disc is the most up-to-date, complete and searchable list of contact information for every registered .com, .net, .edu and .org domain name on the Internet.
You may now email offers for your products/services to 100,000's of prospects for pennies...
The internet will never be the same again!
----- End Included Message -----
************************************************** Andrea Di Lecce (416) 935-5700 Rogers@Home Network Operations 1 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, M4Y 2Y5 **************************************************