You should talk to the guys at Towardex. http://www.towardex.com/ -Steve On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 6:30 PM Matthew Crocker <matthew@corp.crocker.com> wrote:
I’m looking to establish a POP in the area with the purpose of connecting to exchanges (DE-CIX, Equinix New York, NYIIX). I’ll need access to Lightower or Level(3) for transport back to Springfield (1 Federal St), & Boston MA <https://maps.google.com/?q=1+Federal+St),+%26+Boston+MA&entry=gmail&source=g> (1 Summer St).
I’ll need a cabinet, 208v power, planning on a Juniper MX480 but my go with a couple MX204s
Initially I was looking at 111 8th. I’m getting pricing from Equinix for NY2 that will save $$ on space & power. Is it really ‘all the same’ and I can get anywhere to anywhere in NY Metro?
Would I be handicapping myself by going across the river into NJ?
-- Matthew Crocker Crocker Communications, Inc. President