23 Jul
23 Jul
11:26 a.m.
Rob McEwen wrote on 23/07/2018 11:54:
HINT: We won't. For example, look at the blue line at the end of this "scary graph" from a "climage change" site that has your same viewpoint: https://insideclimatenews.org/content/average-global-sea-level-rise-1993-201... - as scary as that chart looks like at first glance - it shows little-to-no *acceleration* - the rate of increase holds steady at 3.5 mm/year - BUT HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART: even this pro-climate change site's own graph shows that the sea levels have failed to rise AT ALL over the past couple of years.
Little known fact: facts become factier when you use capital letters. Someone said it on the Internet, so it must be true. Nick