On 07/09/05, Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> wrote:
(I may believe in the principles here, mind you, but I'm far to small to make a point. A workable net-boycott absolutely requires that action be taken by a non-castrated 800lb gorilla.)
Having lots of vocally unhappy customers == castration? The obvious response is to say "well, think about how unhappy they are with all the spam" -- but that's not how it works in the real world. Instead, the customer STILL gets tons of spam, and is incensed that can't e-mail Aunt Tillie whose only crime is to use the same ISP as some zombied machine. Boycotts worked great back when spammers were stationary and users were more complacent, but spam sending techniques have evolved a lot in the past ten years. -- J.D. Falk a decade of cybernothing.org <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> registered 24 June 1995