On Tue, 3 May 2005, Rodney Joffe wrote:
If you check, I think you'll see that he actually said "ultradns's anycast for .ORG is completely coherent".
And last time I checked -- on this list, mind you -- it certainly was not.
If you want to be taken seriously, perhaps you might want to research the use of the term coherency in terms of DNS.
Hint: It doesn't mean that one node responds and another doesn't.
<feedback loop="trollbait"> It certainly breaks coherency in my mind when one query host receives SERVFAIL for a while, then nothing at all, but another query host is receiving records that the first query host *should* have seen. </feedback> After all these years, I should know better than to feed back the bait. Maybe it's just fun to do. :) That said, I'll credit you for catching my brain fart. I read right past 'coherent' in vix's text and saw the phrase '"good" anycast' in relation to the .ORG zone. It was not technically a *coherency* flaw to which I referred, but rather a fundamental *architecture* flaw. (It's too bad that the architectural flaw was never really discussed, or for that matter subjected to a mea culpa and/or public postmortem. But I suppose that is the pride/ego component of running such a large zone -- even one intended for the "public interest".) I wrote and maintain a query host deterministic, but inter-site coherent, anycasted DNS server for my $orkplace, so don't presume to tell me what you think I know. It only makes you look like a holier-than-thou ass [again]. Feel free to feed the trolls elsewhere, though, if you wish; it can be fun to watch. -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>