On Fri, 29 Jul 2016 07:50:09 -0500, "J. Oquendo" said:
In my ramblings on "Why network operators love filth", I associate a landlord that knowingly allows his/her tenant to sell drugs. In America, your house is gone. This should be the case on the Internet as well.
Oh, do *NOT* go there. In America, "Civil forfeiture" is a *major* out-of-control problem, because it is *not* done with any sort of judicial review *at all*. The police department simply seizes your house/car/etc on *suspicion* of being involved with drugs or whatever - there doesn't even need to be an arrest of anybody. That's right - they can suspect you of dealing drugs, but not have enough evidence to arrest you. But they can take your car away anyhow. It's called "stop and seize". They can take your car away because you loaned it to your brother-in-law to go shopping, because they suspect *he* deals drugs. The car doesn't have to be involved in travelling to a drug deal. Oh, and in most cases, the police department gets to *keep* the proceeds (money, cars - often sold at auction for more money, etc) of the forfeiture. This of course makes their budget look better. The end result - in the US, in 2014, the police took more money and assets from people than all the reported robberies for the year. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-17/police-civil-asset-forfeitures-exce... I sincerely *hope* that isn't how you want a global Internet run.