Just ran accross this on ba.seminars, thought it may be of interest to some of you. ;) dc
SOFTWARE FORUM (Palo Alto CA) Dinner Meeting, Wednesday March 19
Bob Metcalfe will review his early 1996 prediction of imminent Internet collapse, and will identify what current trends will become dominant in the future.
Bob has a Ph.D. from Harvard, led the development of Ethernet, founded 3Com Corporation, was an InfoWorld columnist for several years, and is now VP of technology for IDG, a leading IT research firm. He is an entertaining and provocative speaker. Come and ask your own questions!
Where: 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (call Software Forum office for directions)
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 1997 Time: 6:30 p.m. - Cocktail hour, 7:00 p.m. - Dinner
Price: $25 members, $40 non-members
Reserve: Software Forum voice mail (415/854-8298)
Info: Software Forum office (415/854-7219) http://www.softwareforum.org
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Software Forum, started in 1983, is a Silicon Valley based non-profit organization dedicated to software professionals, with over 900 members. It informs and educates its members on all facets of the software industry -- ranging from technical innovation to product development, marketing, and sales. The group offers professionals a sense of community and is a valuable forum for exchanging ideas.
Software Forum also sponsors 13 special interest groups, which meet once a month: UNIX, C++, Business Operations, Delphi, Games & AR Developers, International, Internet, Java, Marketing, Multimedia, Visual Basic, VMRL, and Windows.