-----Original Message----- From: Nikolay Shopik [mailto:shopik@inblock.ru] Sent: 14 October 2011 10:17 To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: [outages] News item: Blackberry services down worldwide
Rebuilding this trust can take some time. I do expect that with the iMessage stuff that was released yesterday (SMS/MMSoIP to email/phone#) many more companies will shift to using that instead as the value of BBM is decreased.
I also wonder what the impact of iMessage and others will be on
On 13/10/11 19:56, Jared Mauch wrote: places like hotel networks as the devices camp out longer/more often on the wifi, etc. We observed the impact to a hotel of the NANOG crowd this week (i wonder if there will be lessons learned on the part of lodgenet, etc?)
If we talking about iMessage as replace of BBM, that's probably fine, but it's really niche market. I was really expecting them to release that stuff and allow desktop users to chat with idevice and making iMessage s2s(XMPP) compatible, so anyone could chat with idevice, even not supporting all fancy features, but at least dumb texting.
My iThings camp on WiFi all the time anyway as they are waiting for push updates, checking mail etc. Of course, all these little things add up and add to the total network traffic (and port counts for NAT)so they all take a toll on networks. I agree though, I would have liked to have seen iMessage cross platform. One of the great things about Skype is that I can talk from PeeCee to MAC to iThing to whatever.. -- Leigh ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email ______________________________________________________________________