On Wed, May 20, 1998 at 10:29:38AM -0700, Michael Dillon wrote:
On Wed, 20 May 1998, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
Has anyone nominated Jim for the Internet Kooks list, this year?
He's not a kook. He is an agent provocateur who is paid by the telco industry to disrupt Internet activities. The monopoly telcos want to be able to show that the Internet folks are not capable of running the network and that government regulation is necessary. They like a regulatory regime because they have several generations of experience in manipulating government bureaucracies to their own advantage and the Internet currently lacks this.
Fleming is a very sharp-witted psych-ops who can appear perfectly rational when it suits his goals. When he acts like a kook he does so in order to spark outraged outbursts from his Internet guru audience but is careful that a non-technical observer would se no cause for such an outburst in Jim's statements. His goal is to methodically discredit everyone who has any significant role in the design, management and operation of the Internet and he is paid handsomely enough by the monopoly telco industry that he can afford to buy a yacht and spend many months of the year living in a foreign tax haven in the British Virgin Islands.
-- Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting Memra Communications Inc. - E-mail: michael@memra.com http://www.memra.com - *check out the new name & new website*
I'm assuming you can PROVE this, right Michael? (My God, I hope so) -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - Serving Chicagoland and Wisconsin http://www.mcs.net/ | T1's from $600 monthly / All Lines K56Flex/DOV | NEW! Corporate ISDN Prices dropped by up to 50%! Voice: [+1 312 803-MCS1 x219]| EXCLUSIVE NEW FEATURE ON ALL PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Fax: [+1 312 803-4929] | *SPAMBLOCK* Technology now included at no cost