Quoth David R. Conrad (David.Conrad@nominum.com):
"transit service providers". In my experience, webhost providers are generally not considered transit providers. Webhosting providers (and other non-"transit" sites) should contact their upstream IPv6 (tunnel or otherwise) provider(s) for IPv6 address space. They should NOT be obtaining space from ARIN or other RIRs. Anything else will simply recreate the swamp.
I think, like everything, this depends on circumstance. For example, we are more or less a content provider. However, we do not source from a single location. With 15 POPs spread throughout the US and Europe, and more on the way, with exceedingly non-contiguous space obtained from 6 different upstreams, it would benefit ourselves as well as our many providers to have our own PI space. Of course, convincing ARIN of this is proving most difficult :) --ted -- Ted Beatie ted@mirror-image.net Sr. Network Engineer +1-781-376-1108 Mirror Image Internet 49 Dragon Court Woburn, MA 01801 http://www.mirror-image.com