Well, in my experience, which is limited to small iron mostly. Juniper MX104 Do not forget to get a second RE (Routine Engine) for software upgrade, and be prepare to accept to pay a "license" to use the 10Gbps ports on top of buying the IO cards. (1 license per 2 ports). Don't forget to set aside some times to port your configuration into it, if you are used to Cisco/Brocade style config. And that I'm too stupid to figure out a way to make 'test policy' do the same thing as "show ip bgp route-map XYZ" CER2K (latest revision) Has plenty of RAM for 6 full routing table (and maybe more) and 1.5M RIB compared to the ~524k from the first gen. ( Got burned on those ) MLX Juniper MX104 where cheaper for about the same platform using MLX products. Cisco I don't know about the licensing for the ASR but I mostly deal with second hand devices. They are not flashy but do the job. Huawei, ZTE I didn't touch those and mostly won't beside looking into some security concern some people are having. PS: With almost 130k prefixes polluting the routing table you could use a software route server and feed an auto-summary of the full route into a router/switch that can handle the RIB/FIB. I have yet to test Bird but I heard good things about using it for that function. ( By pollution, I mean, it was a test made on 6 peers where I found ~130k prefixes where using the same path as their larger subnet, I have to put up more time on that bench thou ) ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 05/20/15 12:42, Colton Conor wrote:
So, from the sounds of it most are saying for low cost, the way to go would be a software router, which I was trying to avoid. To answer the bandwidth question, we would have three 10G ports with three different carriers and at max push 10Gbps of total traffic to start.
I think this leaves me with hardware routers that can support full BGP tables. So, who actually sells full bgp routers. So far on my list I have: Juniper MX Series Brocade MLXe or CER Cisco ASR 9K Huawei NE40E-X1-M4 ZTE, not sure which model? ALU 7750
Besides the above, am I missing anyone else that makes a true carrier grade hardware router?
On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Pavel Odintsov <pavel.odintsov@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, we could run route add / route del when we got any announce from external world with ExaBGP directly. I have implemented custom custom Firewall (netmap-ipfw) management tool which implement in similar manner. But I'm working with BGP flow spec. It's so complex, standard BGP is much times simpler.
And I could share my ExaBGP configuration and hook scripts.
ExaBGP config: https://github.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon/blob/master/src/scripts/exabgp_...
Hook script which put all announces to Redis Queue:
But full BGP route table is enough big and need external processing.
But yes, with some Python code is possible to implement route server with ExaBGP.
On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Aled Morris <aledm@qix.co.uk> wrote:
On 20 May 2015 at 15:00, Pavel Odintsov <pavel.odintsov@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, you could do filtering with Quagga. But Quagga is pretty old tool without multiple dynamic features. But with ExaBGP you could do really any significant route table transformations with Python in few lines of code. But it's definitely add additional point of failure/bug.
Couldn't your back-end scripts running under ExaBGP also manage the FIB, using standard Unix tools/APIs?
Managing the FIB is basically just "route add" and "route delete" right?
-- Sincerely yours, Pavel Odintsov