On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 6:21 PM Validin Axon <axon@validin.com> wrote:
Looking for some help/advice. Spectrum is sinkholing my company's domain, validin[.]com, to
Howdy, If you can't reach a technical POC, use the legal one. Your lawyer can find the appropriate recipient and write a cease-and-desist letter for you. After that, it's -their- lawyer's problem to track down the correct technical people. Incidentally, for folks who choose to interdict DNS: whatever your reasons, pointing the DNS to a loopback IP is bad practice. Really bad practice. Minimum good practice points it to a web site you control which provides enough information to get delisted. And provides you with a test point where you can collect information about what you've caused to be interdicted. Regards, Bill Herrin -- William Herrin bill@herrin.us https://bill.herrin.us/