I really believe that the Internet is to the point where a possible law suit will be brought up by someone. I just checked hinet.net, the internet service of Chunghwa Telecom of Taiwan, who has close to half million users using the hinet.net, are put on hold. No wonder I can not send email to them. Hinet.net is similar to ATT Worldnet, and it is beyond my belief that Internic is in the process of shutting the Internet down. Hong Chen 408-567-3800 (tel) hchen@aimnet.net 408-567-0990 (fax) On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Robert B. Evans wrote:
Hello, I have had the same thing happen to me, but unfortunately it was on a credit card, and having processed so many domains on that card, I am unable to prove which domain it was, that didn't stop them from holding the domain. My customer had to be up with thousands of dollars worth of marketing collateral already printed. So we paid again. Please keep me informed of ideas to solve the problem. I will think on it as well. Robert Evans sysadmin GETtheNET, Inc. 332 W. Broadway Suite 911 Louisville, KY 40202 502 585 4638