P2P based CDN's are a current buzzword; Verilan even has a white paper on it
I think we are going to see a lot more of this, and not just from "kids."
Regards Marshall This should prove to be interesting. The Video CDN model will be a
Password protected link. threat to far more operators than P2P has been to the music industry. Cable companies make significant revenue from video content (ok - that was obvious). Since they are also IP Network operators they have a vested interest in seeing that video CDN's that bypass their primary revenue stream fail. The ILEC's are building out fiber mostly so that they can compete with the cable companies with a triple play solution. I can't see them being particularly supportive of this either. As a wireless network operator I'm not terribly interested in helping 3rd parties that cause issue on my network with upload traffic (rant away about how were getting paid by the end user to carry this traffic...). Mark