16 Jul
16 Jul
6:44 a.m.
Sush, Are you thinking of rate-limiting or traffic shaping ? I'd expect rate-limiting of bursty traffic to lose some packets irrespective of the L3 hardware/CPU capacity -- Rafi ## On 2002-07-15 23:57 -0400 Sush Bhattarai typed: SB> SB> Might want to query your provider as to where the rate limitting is being SB> done. In some cases, if rate limit is being done egress from the layer 3 SB> infracture towards the MAN layer 2 equipment, there might be a lack of SB> processing power on that device, causing the drops. Of course this will SB> depend on the type of device and whether the rate limiting is being done on SB> hardware or not too. SB> SB> Sush SB>