On Feb 11, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
On Fri, 2011-02-11 at 11:56 -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
I think that it will not be long before the internet is an IPv6 ocean with islands of IPv4
My company made up some t-shirts for a conference last year. We brainstormed the texts. I ended up with a sort of haiku:
out of the puddle into the ocean IPv6
Sadly I realised too late that it should have had a footnote: "not to scale" :-)
True. If you want to compare masses, IPv4 = 7 liters of water. IPv6 = EARTH, including all rocks, trees, oceans, lakes, puddles, etc. Put another way, if subnets (IPv4 /24s, IPv6 /64s) were Almond M&Ms, IPv4 would cover approximately 70 yards of a regulation American Football field in a single layer of M&Ms. IPv6 would fill the great lakes. All of the great lakes. To the rim. In terms of host addresses per subnet, IPv4 gives you a large bag of M&Ms. IPv6 gives you the great lakes full of M&Ms. All of the great lakes. To the rim. Owen Disclaimer: Do not attempt to eat a /64 worth of any form of M&Ms as adverse health results are likely.