Joe -- I'm not calling in question their right to publish; what i'm saying that this crap was going on for years, and nobody cared. BTW, if you look at the First Ammendment protections closer, they are not guaranteeing absolute right of free speech. Learn the American law before you invoke it to defend your point of view. I'm tired of absolutists who cannot see that there's no such thing as absolute good or absolute evil. Speech can be very dangerous. This is a conflict of ideologies, not nations or religions. What do you think is ideology - if not speech? How do you suppress ideology if you let it spread unhampered? Violence is bad? Vote for dissolution of police, if you _really_ mean that. But don't take the "my hands is clean" high moral ground. It is _your_ guilt, too, for being lazy to learn what is going on, and failing to elect a goverment with a clue, not the bumbling idiot with a Texan accent and vocabulary of a fifteen-years-old. That site was spreading lies for a long time and is well-known in Russia as an example of American hypocrisy. I was reminded of it when i looked at today's very sarcastic piece by one poplular TV commentator (Mike Solovyev, the anchor of "Odnako" ("But..") prime-time daily show watched by a hundred million people). [Transcript follows] ...Besides, Shamil Basaev is not only a cannibal, but also a very keen politologist making in his cave precise analysis of political situation. <video of Shamil Basaev leaving in a bus with hostages> The web-site Kavkaz.org published a special message from Shamil Basaev regarding the air attacks on Washington and New-York. Mr. Basaev says that "Russia is behind this terrorist attack. The goal of this attack is to undermine might of USA, discredit the idea of the national anti-missile defense initiative, and cause USA to lose its status of super-power." Chechen politologists are wishing to provoke clash of America and Russia: just for a second imagine that everyone believed this Chechen propaganda about "hand of Moscow" - what should be the answer from the other side of the ocean? You know. [allusion to the nuclear war, for those unfamiliar with Soviet idiomas -- avg]. After what happened, the Western authorities should've knocked that site down, it is physically located in the America, and change their view of Chechen propaganda in general. Because otherwise it seems that bin Laden is a cannibal, with any means good to get him down, but his Chechen comrades-in-arms still need delicacy and respect. This is the message we get by watching this site staying up after September 11th. ... This Wednesday I expressed concern that after the initial shock they'll talk, talk, and forget the whole thing - you know, deeds are forgettable, body's fattening. But now it looks like everything is funnier. To forget something you need to learn something first. Judging by dithering of various officials they didn't learn anything, so they have nothing to forget. [end of transcript] Here's how America looks from outside. A bunch of incompetents and hypocrites. And i am tired of telling my Russian correspondents to stuff their "they asked for it" postures you know where. Because i know that Americans are not really hypocritic, just terribly ignorant. --vadim On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 baptista@pccf.net wrote:
Vadim - I think in american we call it free speech. The content of the message is not the issue - it is the right to publish it and one's opinion which is the issue here guranteed by the U.S. constitution.
regards joe
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Vadim Antonov wrote:
Found on a website hosted in US by a US service provider:
Manpower resources of Muslims and powerful ideological stimulus of resistance, the control above the basic power resources of the world, the geographical position and an area of movement, finally will destroy USA. War will come in the house of each American.
And it already will be the collapse of that America, which we know and which is realized by Americans. The first disturbing symptoms of arising enmity and split of America already is available.
This is from the inverview with the spokesman of well-known terrorist Shamil Basaev, known for personally taking hostage hundreds of patients in a hospital, among other things (the spokesman is Movladi Udugov, the guy who threatened to drop an airplane on Kremlin).
Hosted by XO Communications - do not bother them, i already alerted their staff.
Guys, why should a North American provider give a place for this propaganda? Call FBI, have them trace the connections of whoever pays for that site.
[If you decide to read the entire article - the "so-called peacemaker" Boris Nemtsov mentioned there is a prominent pro-Western politican in Russia, and (used to be, changed his mind after WTC attack) a leading proponent of negotiations with Chechen militants. A shining illustration of what you get for trying to negotiate with terrorists.]
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