On 11/Feb/19 15:55, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
If they had just stayed at the L1 level and provided dark fiber for the amount of money mentioned before (for instance 10-15 EUR a month) then a lot of the problems wouldn't be there. They could have used the same organisation as before that now could do fiber as well, and that's that. Simple product, can't go wrong in a lot of weird ways.
We have the same problem here in Africa too (and I saw it in Asia-Pac while I was there as well)... non-telco-centric companies that deployed fibre to manage their non-telco infrastructure, now entering the telco space to make use of the excess capacity, or because they want to be part of the "next digital wave", with zero operational experience, and a single-mindedness about one thing - "We will never sell dark fibre to anyone". Ultimately, they wise up or get bought by an operator. It's just a question of how much patience you've got to spend. Mark.