You may also try the mailops list. On Tue, Mar 9, 2021, 12:55 PM Matthew V <zvernhout@gmail.com> wrote:
If you haven't done this yet - start with the outlook postmaster troubleshooting documentation and open a support ticket with them.
On 2021-03-09 7:07 a.m., sam@circlenet.us wrote:
You are not alone sir, for reasons as yet unknown outlook.com has recently started blocking my range as well. If I make progress in contacting someone with clue I will pass that information along privately.
Sam Moats
On 2021-03-08 16:18, Dan Walters via NANOG wrote:
Good afternoon,
So I'm looking for a contact at Microsoft in particular someone on the outlook spam protection/prevention team to assist us with a IP block. I have allready signed up for SNDS and there is no data given . Please feel free to contact me off the list.
Best Regards,
Daniel Walters