Going to depend entirely on the data center. I've got OpenGear boxes deployed in a variety of places, using Verizon LTE with static IP. One Level 3 colo I'm in I had to buy a high gain directional antenna to get the signal strength up above -80, where below that you're lucky to get a reasonable SSH experience, but then I'm in a Switch colo in Vegas that has dramatically more customers and equipment, and I get almost double that signal strength, inside a rack, inside a metal heat chamber, with the built-in antennas. Just depends on the structure and proximity to a tower I'm guessing. On 2/7/18, 11:39 AM, "NANOG on behalf of James Milko" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of jmilko@gmail.com> wrote: How is cell reception in multi-story data centers/carrier hotels? Good enough for remote management? JM