Hi. We lost connectivity between UK and Germany via e-bone last night. Does anyone experience similar problem? And if anyone knows what actually took place in e-bone, let me know please. Thanks in advance. Ryouichi Yatabe On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 17:23:26 +0800 "Craig Holland" <cholland@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
Is anyone having problems in the EU with IPSEC. Not sure it is related to everyone bailing on KPNQWEST, but it sure seems like a coincidence. I have a large concentration of users in Germany that can't connect, as well as Milan now. Meanwhile, US and other countries in the EU are just fine.
Users report they used to go through KPN and worked fine, now are taking other paths. I'm trying to form a pattern here, and more data-points would be great.
We have already ran the gambit on PPPoE issues and other MTU related client-side fixes, as well as firmware w/ DSL routers/bridges. Seems to affect dialup, ISDN, DSL, etc.
thanks, craig
Craig Holland Net-Worker Yahoo! Inc. Y!Messenger: cholland PGP Key: wwwkeys.us.pgp.net
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