Colin Alston wrote:
On 2008/08/27 05:22 PM Dave Israel wrote:
Normally, I don't participate in this sort of thing, but I'm a sucker for a "there's more than one way to do it" challenge.
Aww come on, C gets way more "fun" than that ;)
#define _u8 unsigned char #define _u32 unsigned long
int main(void) { _u32 ipn = 1089055123; _u8 ipa[3]; _u8 oct = 0;
for (oct=0; oct <4; oct++){ ipa[oct] = (char)( (ipn & (0xFF000000 >> (8*oct))) >> (8*(3-oct)) ); }
printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n", ipa[0], ipa[1], ipa[2], ipa[3]);
return 0; }
Actually, who needs loops for that? #include <stdio.h> int main() { unsigned i = 1089055123; printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n", (unsigned char)(((char*)&i)[3]), (unsigned char)(((char*)&i)[2]), (unsigned char)(((char*)&i)[1]), (unsigned char)(((char*)&i)[0]) ); return 0; } Robert