On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:17:28AM -0800, brett watson wrote:
And finally, would they be more successfull in tracking the source the the problem by doing something different?
So thats another interesting question.. How do you go about doing a packet trace on routers passing giabits of traffic every second without killing the router/network and actually get usefull information out of it?
passive monitoring. we don't have anything yet to run at oc-x speed (pos) but caida is working on several versions of passive monitors and at least one commercial vendor is working on one (ip capable).
With a Foundry BigIron you should be able to monitor high speed ports (they presently offer up to OC12 PoS as well as the usual ethernet) with no additional load on the device, just dump it directly to a gige port, get a PC with a $300 netgear gige nic, and you're off and running. Its not OC192 monitoring but if thats your customer aggregation device you're much better off, and Foundry is always up to something with bigger and better on the way... -- Richard A. Steenbergen <ras@above.net> http://users.quadrunner.com/humble PGP Key ID: 0x60AB0AD1 (E5 35 10 1D DE 7D 8C A7 09 1C 80 8B AF B9 77 BB) MFN / AboveNet Communications Inc - ISX Network Engineer, Vienna VA