Phil Regnauld wrote:
As business models go, it's a fine example of how to build demand without really servicing the community.
Of all the ways new tlds could have been implemented this has to be the most poorly thought out. Security-aware programmers will now be unable to apply even cursory tests for domain name validity. Phishers and spammers will have a field day with the inevitable namespace collisions. It is, however, unfortunately consistent with ICANN's inability to address other security issues such as fast flush DNS, domain tasting (botnets), and requiring valid domain contacts. The core problem seems to be financial, as this is likely the most revenue generating plan (both over and under the table) ICANN bean-counters could have dreamed up. It certainly was not the foreseen outcome when non-profit status was mandated. I have to conclude that ICANN has failed, simply failed, and should be returned to the US government. Perhaps the DHL would at least solicit for RFCs from the security community. Roger Marquis