On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:45:02PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <20100420121646.GE15321@vacation.karoshi.com.>, bmanning@vacation.ka roshi.com writes:
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 01:58:13PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
You are charmingly naive about how "the law" actually works in the USA - that is IMHO.
Yes, things vary around the world. You failed to state "In the USA". There is plenty of case law in Australia about companies attempting to arbitarially change terms and conditions to the detriment of the consumer and being made to reverse the changes.
this is the North American Network Operators Group. Not the Australian Network Operators Group.
And last I heard NA != USA. So have you decided to annex the rest of NA and bring it under US law. :-)
nope - but we'll be glad to tell your PM that Australia is prepared to join the Union as the next five states and enjoy all the benefits of our enlighted government and laws. or would you prefer to be part of Canada? --bill