What you have run into is called AOL's "second received line" filtering If your adsl customer is infected, or someone who had that IP recently [if a dynamic IP] is infected and his PC is originating spam and malware .. AOL will block any email with that infected IP in the headers. Simple reason for this .. a lot of malware is getting quite good at hijacking Outlook or other MUA on a user's PC [including smtp auth credentials if any] and sending out spam through the ISP's mail relays. Please sign your IP space for a feedback loop from aol - http://postmaster.info.aol.com/fbl/ --srs On 7/27/06, Tom Quilling <tier1@ncinet.de> wrote:
We are an ISP in Germany and experience since this morning, July 27 07:00 GMT problems with all mail-in Servers at AOL. They seem to refuse mailconnections, giving error message 554 for no reason at all, since our servers are not listed in any RBL etc.. We can see, that they extract from the header the original sender IP of a mail, instead of the one from the MAIL-RELAY-SERVER, as specified in RFC. As these senders are from ADSL IP's, AOL refuses them. This is definitely wrong by AOL... Does anybody else experience this Problem..