Just in case you run a legitimate open NTP server, this iptable stanza helps immensely: ## rate limit ntp $IPTABLES -N NTP $IPTABLES -N BLACKHOLE $IPTABLES -A BLACKHOLE -m recent --set --name ntpv4blackhole --rsource $IPTABLES -A BLACKHOLE -j DROP $IPTABLES -A NTP -m recent --update --seconds 5 --hitcount 20 --name ntpv4 --rsource -j BLACKHOLE $IPTABLES -A NTP -m recent --update --seconds 5 --hitcount 2 --name ntpv4blackhole --rsource -j DROP $IPTABLES -A NTP -m recent --set --name ntpv4 --rsource -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j NTP I've found that blocking TCP destination NTP to client servers/networks blocks legitimate NTP synchronization for their clients. Although I wish they'd all just use my on-network NTP server, I can't assume they will. Does anyone have a list or source of pool and vendor (Apple/Microsoft/etc) servers so I can permit based on source before blocking based on destination port?