24 Sep
24 Sep
11:58 a.m.
* rfg@tristatelogic.com (Ronald F. Guilmette) [Fri 20 Sep 2019, 00:50 CEST]:
Leaving aside the minor quibble that "Dutch" is not, as far as I am aware, a "race" per se, I do apologize for having improperly and quite wrongly generalized the apparent confluence of of certain events and actions to the Dutch people generally. That was entirely incorrect and improper on my part and I do sincerly apologize.
Apologies on my end as well, Ronald. I should not have said racist; bigoted would have been a more apt description of your earlier screed. Again, I do apologise, I was clearly in the wrong here.
... it's difficult for me not to infer a possible pattern.
Yep. Sure. -- Niels.