Has anybody used (and been successful at) a bit-torrent-like agent for fast distribution of LEGAL software (install programs of large-DVD size), across multiple sites, all over the globe, with bad WAN connectivity? I have read a couple of references online (e.g. http://torrentfreak.com/university-uses-utorrent-080306/) about such, but I am a little reluctant to do it in a corporate environment, especially in the light of potential misuse of such ... unless finding a way to install, use and remove the P2P agent, all in one shot ... catch 22, sort of (distributing the P2P agent, that is :)) ... Stefan P.S. If inappropriate for this mailing list, I apologize - but the "long fat pipe" thread gave me the idea to ask here, vs. sysadmin-like lists, as the potential for network impact is my primary concern.