Yes. Service loads, but it's REALLY slow. But I don't think I would classify it as a DNS problem.
I would. :\
Using Dig: (What're you doing using NSlookup?! Shame on you! Plech!)
Heh. Would you feel better if I told you I started with a SIGINT to named, and a grep'd through the output ? :} However, I found the multiple response back from a single nslookup query interesting..... :O
[pbarber@host pbarber]$ dig home.netscape.com a ; <<>> DiG 8.2 <<>> home.netscape.com a ;; ANSWER SECTION: home.netscape.com. 1m43s IN CNAME www-jp.netscape.com. www-jp.netscape.com. 16m55s IN A [snip]
Actually, one might note that this appears to be leaking in via central B'cast/UDP regions along the NAP's.... Someone Colo a Japanese nameserver in JAM Space , or optionally, a Japanese Root mirror ? At least one possible hypothesis ...... BTW: About a week here, as well... (not years, for -us- anyway)