No, but you should be able to let someone else use your car without them having to get their own plates and registration. For every silly analogy there is an equal and opposite -- sorry, silly analogy. DS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeane L. Dixon, world renowned psychic, died Saturday (1/25/97) at age 79. There was almost universal sadness and lament throughout the world of celebrity psychics. Contacted at her home, Dionne Warwick's spokeswoman said that "[Miss] Warwick is beside herself -- none of us expected this to happen". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Lon R. Stockton, Jr. wrote:
On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Brett L. Hawn wrote:
Been there, read that, and I still say they're selling space, leasing space, auctioning space, etc. Fact of the matter is they are _CHARGING MONEY_ (not bannana peels) for services rendered. Their services are to hand out IP space and maintain databases, therefor they are SELLING space.
So, since I paid money for my car registration & license plates, I should be able to sell my plates to someone else to put on their car?