Two comments from two commenters:
I can't seem to find anyone that would benefit from this, with the exception of Stuart and ICM's shareholders.
... I expect the board and staff really really would not want to have to answer questions under oath like "who did you talk to at the US Department of Commerce about the .XXX application and what did you say?" and "why did you vote against .XXX when they followed the same rules as the TLDs you voted for?"
The first assumes that a beneficiary should exist that is distinct from the applicant-sponsor. In the case of .aero, SITA itself ceased to exist in the form it existed at the time of application. At that time it was a non-profit cooperative "open to anyone operating aircraft for the transport of passengers, mail or cargo and to other organisations whose primary business is in the air transport industry", having 728 members in 2003, 581 of which were airlines. It is now an IT shop. The beneficiaries of the existence of .aero may be limited to Afilias and the entity known by the initials "SITA", independent of how competent the mission of .aero is executed. In the case of .travel, a 2004 round sTLD applicant ICANN approved, a post-delegation reorganization took place resulting in significant bulk sales of no observable connection to the travel industry. This situation has not drawn formal attention from ICANN for contractual compliance reasons. In the case of .jobs, also a 2004 round sTLD applicant ICANN approved, a similar situation has drawn formal attention from ICANN for contractual compliance reasons. In sum, the absence of beneficiaries other than the applicant or its successor in interest, and the registry services platform operator, for sponsored registries approved in the 2000 and 2004 new gTLD rounds is not an exceptional condition. Neither is it a universal condition, as .cat, .coop, .museum, clearly serve the beneficiaries claimed in their respective applications, and are non-profits operating in the public interest. The second assumes the principle liability that exists is specific to a single application. While possible, this fails to place a controversy in its complete context, and assumes an implied pattern of conduct by an agency of government at a point in time reflects a continuous primary issue of that agency. The Bush-Cheney Administration's lack of commitment to accountability and transparency is a matter of record, or gaps in the record, to make the obvious pun. Yet accountability and transparency have been required to implement in the transition from a MoU to a subsequent relationship between a private corporation and the Department of Commerce. The current Administration's public comments began with Deputy Assistant Secretary Anna Gomez' observation that there is "no statutory authority", and continues to Secretary Larry Strickland's observation at Silicon Flatirons that accountability and transparency must be acted upon by June of this year.[1] The liability, only in theory, untested as yet, whether the specific liability cited above, or a general liability, may include whether ICANN is exercising delegated rule making and is therefore subject to the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946, as are other 501(c)(3)s to which an agency of government has delegated rule making. Well, that's enough for a Sunday morning sermon on the beneficiaries of sTLDs, whether pew safe or not, and the cloud of liabilities that surround a corporation that manages a contract originally between the Department of Defense and SRI International. Eric [1] http://www.ntia.doc.gov/presentations/2011/siliconflatirons_02142011.html