4 Aug
4 Aug
3:01 p.m.
jmalcolm@uraeus.com writes:
If you ask g about 'com', and instead of giving an answer like the one a.ROOT-SERVERS.NET gave you, it says it *does not exist*, you will, correctly, assume that means it doesn't exist and neither do any subdomains.
Currently G isn't answering queries, so it's not causing a problem. A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET and H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET don't agree as to the minimum TTL (518400 vs 172800), but that's not going to wreck anything.
Hence, if you randomly query the one server that is returning NXDOMAIN for com, all com lookups will fail.
This is why BIND 8 has the bogus characteristic, or why one may need to edit their root hint file. Too bad both require a reload/restart.