On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 Brennan_Murphy@NAI.com wrote:
FTP user really notice if their download starts at 160kbs and gyrates around between 30-150kbs..especially if they are very large downloads? But a web page taking 12 seconds to load...not good.
It depends on the network owner's priorities. I've had several customers which considered web pages very low priority. A 70-byte database transaction longer than 2 seconds was considered a catastrophe. A web page taking 30 seconds wasn't a priority. I've also had multi-hour FTP sessions fail due to goofy QOS attempts by networks. A daily FTP transfer taking more than 24 hours to complete can be a problem. How come the psychic hotlines at $4.99/minute aren't the highest priority calls on the public telephone network? Why don't telemarketer calls interrupt your call to grandmother, if telemarketers are willing to pay more than your grandmother to speak with you. As the airlines found out this weekend, QOS can result in inefficient use of resources and longer lines.