On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:38:03 -0400 Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
Ahad Aboss wrote:
Interesting point.
The truth is, the ISP is responsible for the quality of experience for their end customers regardless of what content the customers consume or what time they consume it. They pay a monthly subscription / access fee and that is where it stops. ISPs can chose to blame Netflix until the cows come home or alternatively, they can do something more constructive, like deploying a cache solution or establishing direct peering with Netflix in one of the POIs.
Well... if you make a phone call to a rural area, or a 3rd world country, with a horrible system, is it your telco's responsibility to go out there and fix it?
One might answer, "of course not." It's a legitimate position, and by this argument, Netflix should be paying for bigger pipes.
Of course it is not my telco's responsibility to fix the other telco's network. But you analogy is not valid here. Lets change it up a little bit to be more in line with the issue at hand. You make a phone call to a rural carrier or another country and get a horrible connection. If that degradation takes place on the link, that your telco owns, where it is handed off to the next network, then yes, it IS the originating telco's responsibility to pay to have it fixed. The same goes for the Verizon/Netflix issue. The problem is at the edge where Verizon connects to the rest of the internet. They are deliberately letting those links become congested to degrade Netflix, and any other provider, in order to protect their own video revenue stream. They could care less about the customer experience as long as they can blame someone else and keep the money flowing and add additional revenue by pissing off said Netflix customer enough that they move to a Verizon solution. Robert