-----Original Message----- From: Mikael Abrahamsson [mailto:swmike@swm.pp.se] Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 12:55 PM To: Randy Bush Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: cost of doing business (was:Re: OpenTransit (france telecom) depeers cogent)
On Sat, 16 Apr 2005, Randy Bush wrote:
fwiw, 100mb to the home costs about that in japan
Well, I dont really see the average home actually using 100meg all the time in the near future, thus my 5 meg utilization average estimate. Access could be whatever speed of course, access speed not used doesn't cost very much.
I think you're very wrong here. For packet delivery of video based services, I could see a home using 100mb/s between voice, video, and data within the next 12-24 months. All of the product roadmaps I've been looking at contain "How to get 100mb/s to the home", "How do we push BRAS/Multicast deployment closer to the edge", "What is the roadmap for converged services past triple play?" Regards, Chris Malayter TDS Telecom - Network Services Data Network Engineering chris.malayter@tdstelecom.com Phone: (608) 664-4878 FAX: (608) 664-4644