Barry Shein wrote:
Anything based on NNTP would be extremely asymmetric without significant changes to the protocol or human behavior.
We ran significant Usenet servers with binaries for nearly 20 years and without for another 5 and the servers' traffic was heavily asymmetric. On Mar 1, 2015 9:11 AM, "Miles Fidelman" <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
Hey Barry - just to be clear, twasn't I who made the claim - I'm the one who asked for your input re. Scott's claim!
With all due respect it's like people act purposely obtuse just to argue.
If you're a Usenet server (and most likely client) then it'll be somewhat symmetric.
Depending on how many nodes you serve the bias could easily be towards upload bandwidth as msgs come in once (ideally) but you flood them to all the other servers you serve once per server, the entire traffic goes out multiple times, plus or minus various optimizations like "already have that msg" oh for the love of all that is good and holy do I have to type the entire NNTP protocol spec in here just to make sure there isn't some microscopic crack of light someone can use to misinterpret and/or pick nits about???
What was the original question because I think this has degenerated into just argumentativeness, we're on the verge of spelling and grammar error flames.
I don't know how anyone who claims to have run Usenet servers couldn't know all this, is it just trolling?
-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra