On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 8:33 PM Mike Bolitho <mikebolitho@gmail.com> wrote:
"than the relatively low risk of a database compromise leading to a
miscreant getting ahold of their wireless password and using their access point as free wifi."
And this is the thing, not only does someone have to 'hack' the database, they also need to drive up to your house and sit in your driveway to get free Internet. Of all the things to worry about, this is way down on my list.
They could also remotely compromise *any* device that's currently (or about to be) in range of your access point, as a stepping-stone to gaining access to your network - without having to be physically anywhere near your driveway. Perhaps, for example, to make it look as though what they're doing is coming from your house. Royce