Everyone has a problem getting address space. That's a fact of life with the current IP allocation policy. My suggestion is to ask for a /18, with the rest of the /16 reserved for your use. Religiously SWIP or RWhois your allocations. Get network engineering documents from your customers _before_ you assign address space. Yes, all of the above is a pain in the ass. But that's life. And lastly, don't take your frustration out on Kim Hubbard or anyone else at the InterNIC (and yes, I'm guilty). They're just enforcing the policy. It's a tough place to be in. And _please_ keep the lawyers out of this. ObLaywerJoke: Q. What you have when there are 100 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand? A. Not enough sand! -- Eric Kozowski Senior Network Engineer eric@structured.net Structured Network Systems, Inc. (503)656-3235 FAX Better, Cheaper, Faster -- pick any two. (800)881-0962 Voice http://www.structured.net/ "Providing High Quality, Reliable Internet Service" -- 56k to DS3