On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 11:22 AM, Ben Cannon <ben@6by7.net> wrote:
I’m sorry I simply believe that in 2018 with the advanced and cheap ptp radio (ubiquiti anyone? $300 and I have a 200mbit/sec link over 10miles! Spend a bit more and go 100km) plus the advancements in cubesats about to be launched, even the 3rd world can simply get with the times.
Hi Ben, I do not think you adequately understand the economics of the situation. https://www.slideshare.net/InternetSociety/international-bandwidth-and-prici... slide 22, IP transit cost. Your 200mbit/sec link that costs you $300 in hardware is going to cost you $4960/month to actually get IP traffic across, in Nairobi. Yes, that's about $60,000/year. Could *you* afford to "get with the times" if that's what your bandwidth was going to cost you? Please, do a little research on what the real costs are before telling others they need to "simply get with the times." Thanks! Matt