21 May
21 May
3:47 p.m.
cmaurand> Check out www.powerdns.com as an alternative to bind. Its cmaurand> faster, more secure, does IPV6 and easier to maintain. This is purely opinion. BIND has warts, just as any large piece of code in wide spread use and with lots of features will have. However, that's also one of its advantages. Lots of folks run it and know it and fix it when it breaks. Works for root & gtld servers, must not totally suck. BIND does ipV6, has since BIND8. It is also fully DNSSEC compliant. Is powerdns yet? Yes. Do check out all the alternatives for DNS. But if you're looking at ipV6 support because you want to be able to support upcoming protocols, make sure your DNS can do DNSSEC correctly too.