Even though some people do not think they exist...
...Here are the various Root Name Server Confederations that ISPs can choose between. ISPs should only choose one Confederation. Mixing and matching servers from each Confederation is not recommended.
Of course.
I am willing to side with you and against vixie on the root-servers thing, if you will cut me in on a share of the attendant power and profits when you finally ram edns down everyone's throat.
I'm basically not smart enough or competent enough to earn big money and grab power on my own merits, so i'm always looking for a scheme or a marketing ploy that could beam me up the Ladder of Success.
Sincerely, Bill
I hope you are being sarcastic, but if you are not, I'll cut you in on my profits related to IPv8 as long as you agree to kiss my ass heh. Bradley Reynolds breynolds@harborcom.net ber@cwru.edu PGP Fingerprint: 73 17 77 08 8A 72 DB 45 76 28 C5 5A 97 52 26 PGP Public Key: http://www.harborcom.net/~breynolds/pgp.html