The ZTE 5928 has 24x 1G and 4x 10G. It has dual PSU with options for both AC and DC power. It will do BGP, MPLS etc with about 30.000 routes. Price is approximately 2k USD. If you need more 10G ports there is the ZTE 5960 with 24x 10G plus 2x 40G at approximately twice the price. Also take a peek at the switches at fs.com. Den 12. dec. 2017 15.48 skrev "K MEKKAOUI" <amekkaoui@mektel.ca>: Hi I am looking for a router preferably (or switch) with the following specs: 1- Carrier grade 2- Dual power supply 3- 1RU 4- Gig and 10Gig interfaces. 5- Does support protocols like BGP, etc. Any recommendation please? Your help will be appreciated. Thank you KARIM M. MEKTEL INC. Tél. : 1(855) 563-5835 poste 404 www.mektel.ca