On 27 Sep 2016, at 12:14, Mark Andrews wrote:
I'm yet to see a set top box, DVR, TV, games console, phone, etc. that didn't require selecting the WiFi SSID or require you to plug in a ethernet cable.
I've 'seen' tens of millions of them, worldwide. You're generalizing your particular connection/personal provisioning model.
As I said, they don't magically connect to the network. Someone did something to permit them to connect.
That someone quite often isn't the end-user. And as noted previously in this thread, even when users themselves do this, they promptly forget how they did it, lose the documentation, etc.
Why do you think people are incapable of calling in someone to help them fix a known issue.
1. Because they demonstrably don't. 2. Because it's not perceived as a 'computer problem' - it's perceived as an 'Internet problem', and the 'Internet technician' = the broadband access operator's help-desk. 3. Going along with the line of reasoning you've expressed, it seems that the user should call a 'lightbulb technician' when his Internet-enabled lightbulb is causing a problem. Do you really think that's realistic? 4. In most cases, the user won't have any idea which connected device is causing the problem. Expecting the user to determine this by trial-and-error is unrealistic; most people don't even understand how to troubleshoot electrical problems by trial-and-error, much less Internet-related problems. You are a self-selected specialist, and understand all these things and have a DIY attitude, because you're an expert in this field. Most people aren't experts in this field. Ask yourself how many people set up and use 2FA for any online service which supports it, on their own initiative (i.e., not having a bank ship them a pre provisioned dongle). The number of people capable of doing this troubleshooting for themselves is roughly equivalent to the number of people who've successfully set up 2FA on their own initiative. ----------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net>