Not in anything I would pilot or ride in!!!! Think about the Class 5 switches and IBM mainframes. It took YEARS to get anything done because of the critical nature of their functions. If people are going to put their lives in the balance, then they should spend the time to research their choices. People who just toss up a web server, run their business, and then complain when it crashes obviously didn't take it too seriously. Same with networks. It costs major $ to assure no single point of failure and quit frankly most people won't spend the $.. Or they can't recoup the costs by selling service.. It's not easy, I understand that. Look at the traffic controller industry. There is a significant amount of work to assure that you NEVER get a double green / crossing traffic situation. The technology in there is 30+ years old. If the 68000 chip croaks, the old tech relays prevent light violations. Man we are WAY off any operational topic here. My apologies to the group trying to get some work done here.. Michael (Speaking for myself ONLY) At 02:03 PM 7/25/2001 -0700, you wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Michael Airhart wrote:
The analogy is further flawed in that the comparison is between problems in the real world that can cause real injury or death to real people versus a piece of software that operates in a virtual world...
m$ stuff is being used in flight control systems now, if I remember correctly. the navy also had a spin using nt in a "smart ship" trial, much to their detriment.
-- [-] Omae no subete no kichi wa ore no mono da. [-]