We've been running various Fortinet Fortigate appliances since 2003 and have had very good luck with them. Clustering is plug-and-play...boxes act as a single managed unit and do stateful failover of VPN connections. We use the IPsec for site-to-site between our offices and our data centers, the SSL VPN we use for all of our road tunnels. SSL clients work great on WinXP, Win7 and OS X. There's a new iPhone app as well for the web-based VPN. -J -------- Jason J. W. Williams, COO/CTO DigiTar williamsjj@digitar.com V: 208.343.8520 F: 208.322.8522 M: 208.863.0727 www.digitar.com On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Dawood Iqbal wrote:
Hello All,
Is it possible to get your ideas on what VPN appliances are good to have in enterprise network?
Requirements are;
Client and Web VPN support (Win/MAC/iPhone/Android)
If webvpn is used, then when any user connects via webvpn, we should be able to re-direct him to any and ONLY specific application i.e SAP.
If 2 boxes are installed then they should replicate data seamlessly.