In message <MN2PR17MB402947F79FD83ABB9BBF429B9E8F0@MN2PR17MB4029.namprd17.prod.outlook.com>, Martijn Schmidt <martijnschmidt@i3d.net> wrote:
Hi Elad,
If you were to create RPKI ROAs for the IPs in question...
Thanks Martijn, for reminding me of a follow-up point that I had intended to make regarding my recent post about the (Athenix) block. RPKI is the best we have and I cannot wait for the day when it will see universal deployment. But it isn't actually the 100% solution that everyone has been hoping it would be. As the case of the block illustrates, if the RIR has itself been snookered into believing that party X actually owns party Y's block, then that's it. Game over, and RPKI doesn't help, because if the RIR believes that you own the block, and if you are insisting on driving it off the lot, right now, today, then they *are* going to give you the keys, even if the "keys", in future, will include some additional RPKI mumbo jumbo, along with WHOIS records reflecting your desired public persona, and reverse DNS delegation, etc. In short, it appears to me that RPKI only secures resources from the RIR outwards, and if there is a problem of either competency or trust within the RIR, then RPKI can't and won't solve that... ... but I feel sure that someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Regards, rfg