At 04:17 PM 4/28/2005, you wrote:
Hmmm... when you're driving on a public street there is certain safety equipment you are required to have and use. You're paying more for your vehicle because of seatbelts, airbags and all the other things that are supposed to lessen the impact of an accident. Even if you're an expert driver, you don't have the privilege of not paying for these features.
This simply isn't true. You can purchase a vehicle without any of those devices. Sure, it restricts you to older vehicles, but, they are still available. Additionally, if you so choose, you can build your own vehicle without those devices. There are exemptions in most of the laws for vehicles manufactured without them.
If one is going to use the car analogy, then the ISP is the street, not the car. The car is the user's computer or customer premise equipment. Streets do not have airbags. (Though that is an interesting concept.) At best, streets have features that influence safety & traffic such as stop signs and guard rails, but even a well designed street does not actually prevent car accidents or dictate what kind of person is riding in a car. But this analogy breaks down on so many levels, so I recommend not using it. The street system is a government controlled monopoly and...well lets not use this analogy. John