I hate to sound stupid, but isn't this the "ILECs put CLECs out of business act?" Exactly how will this impact any ISP that uses the ILEC's facilities? David Leonard ShaysNet On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, William Allen Simpson wrote:
"To exempt from reciprocal compensation requirements telecommunications traffic to the Internet. "
Anybody know about this? Seems like it kills payments by ILECS to CLECs for dialups, when the calls are to an ISP. Note, only _TO_ an ISP; folks wanting to provide voice are still required to pay ILECs for traffic _from_ an ISP.
Is this the "ILECs put ISPs out of business" act?
`(A) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding subsection (b)(5), after the date of enactment of this paragraph, no local exchange carrier shall be required to make any payment for the transport or termination of telecommunications to the Internet or any provider of Internet access service.
`(B) JURISDICTION- Such transport or termination shall be considered interstate communications and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commission.
WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32